New Shipment of Domestic Hardwoods Available in Our Sarasota, FL Factory!

We just received a fresh wave of domestic hardwood cabinet lumber ready to be shipped or picked up in our Sarasota, FL Facility! Our Florida warehouse is now carrying a wider variety of woods that can be used for other projects, not just decking.

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Passion Fruit Caipiroska Recipe

In December we posted a few pictures of high-end Brazilian restaurants and their use of Ipe to serve food. Featured in the post was a picture of a delicious Brazilian mixed drink. As promised, here is the recipe available for everyone to make their own Passion Fruit Pepper Caipiroska! Just click on this link for …

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The Perfect Entertainment Space in Manhattan Beach, CA

Nestled in the beautiful neighborhood of Manhattan Beach, CA is a contemporary home with a newly remodeled backyard. The old backyard was a split between stained, cracked concrete and patches of dirt. Clearly not a pleasant area for spending quality time with family and friends.

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Wood of the Month: Un-steamed Walnut

We’ve featured American walnut before as our Wood of the Month, but this time we’d like to talk about un-steamed walnut. Un-steamed is a word that’s not often used for describing wood, and it surprises many to learn that walnut is often steamed to create a more uniform, but dull color throughout the lumber piece.

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Re-elected President Rousseff Takes Bold Step

2014 was an important year for Brazil. It was election year where a lot was at stake in labor relations and the economy. Being the biggest economy of Latin America isn’t easy; it’s both a gift and a curse. Brazil is now a country that commands enormous amounts of influence and is looked at by developing countries to lead the path towards prosperity.

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Giant Steps To A Sustainable Future

Brazil contains the largest tropical rainforest in the world. Its significance is immeasurable and its value is, without question, one of the largest in the western hemisphere. Because of this, Brazil has been at the forefront of a sustainable forestry movement. While many countries shy away from sustainability, Brazil is actively seeking to maintain and care for its largest economic asset.

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