It’s the last month of 2016 and we continue to bring exciting news and new products to all of our facilities. Each one has something very amazing to share that will bring a wider variety and faster order processing for our customer’s benefit.
LEED Certification
Brazil and All U.S. Locations are FSC® Certified!
We have some very exciting news to share with you! We’ve just obtained FSC® certification for our Brazilian mill, and our remaining U.S. locations in Sarasota, FL, Buffalo, NY, and Los Angeles, CA. These locations join Grover, NC, which has been FSC® certified for many years. For over two decades, we’ve been committed to bringing …
Contractor Corner – Decon Group
Southern California is a hot spot for development and modern architecture. Trends have been changing since the recovery from the 2008 recession; housing and industrial construction has been on the rise. Decon Group has been at the forefront of many projects within the Los Angeles county area. They have incorporated modern designs into many remodels and new structures that fit the aesthetics of the neighborhoods they are situated in.
Wood of the Month: Ambrosia Maple (Wormy Maple)

Ambrosia Maple is a highly coveted wood for many projects because of its very unique and colored patterns. A lot of people often wonder if Ambrosia Maple is a specific species of wood, or if some sort of chemicals were added to give it the interesting patterns. The truth is that Ambrosia maple isn’t a different species, its regular soft maple that has had small beetles called ambrosia beetles nesting in it which carry a certain type of fungus for food.
What’s the Big Deal About Our FSC® Certified Decking Anyway?
When it comes time to purchasing decking material, you need to make sure that you buy from a company with a commitment to sustainable forestry. is fortunate to be one of those companies that are authorized by the Rainforest Alliance™ to sell FSC® certified decking.
Green Decking Options – 5 Things You Need to Know

These days, being green and using eco-friendly products is more than a trend. Our whole economy is starting to recognize and value materials and items that have been manufactured and/or promote a healthy, green, and eco-savvy lifestyle. Even the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has shown us that there can be a heavy price to pay when we rely too much on environmentally problematic and damaging resources and materials.
What does this have to do with wood decking?
Well, there is a huge marketing push led by composite decking companies to cast all wood decking as non-eco-friendly. These companies want you to believe that all wood decking comes from illegal logging and that it decimates the world’s forests. Here’s the truth, as an FSC certified lumber supplier, the wood decking that we sell here at Advantage comes from eco-friendly forestry practices.
Here are 5 things you need to know about Green Decking:
Deck Design – Green Building with Ipe Decking – Part 2
Deck Design of the Week Green Home in Michigan Yesterday, you saw the beginning stages of a green building project designed by Danny Forster, host of Build it Bigger & Extreme Engineering on the Discovery Channel. The finished Omena Lake front home is truly spectacular. Two features that are of particular interest are the extended …