We just received a fresh wave of domestic hardwood cabinet lumber ready to be shipped or picked up in our Sarasota, FL Facility! Our Florida warehouse is now carrying a wider variety of woods that can be used for other projects, not just decking.
domestic wood
Wood of the Month: Ambrosia Maple (Wormy Maple)
Ambrosia Maple is a highly coveted wood for many projects because of its very unique and colored patterns. A lot of people often wonder if Ambrosia Maple is a specific species of wood, or if some sort of chemicals were added to give it the interesting patterns. The truth is that Ambrosia maple isn’t a different species, its regular soft maple that has had small beetles called ambrosia beetles nesting in it which carry a certain type of fungus for food.
Wood of the Month: Aromatic Cedar
Cedar wood is perhaps one of the most storied woods in history. Cedar’s amazing properties are the reason why it’s prevailed for centuries. During a recent renovation in Newport, RI the contractor needed aromatic cedar to maintain the historical accuracy of the structure. AdvantageLumber.com supplied him with high-quality aromatic cedar to provide the structural support needed.