New Shipment of Domestic Hardwoods Available in Our Sarasota, FL Factory!

We just received a fresh wave of domestic hardwood cabinet lumber ready to be shipped or picked up in our Sarasota, FL Facility! Our Florida warehouse is now carrying a wider variety of woods that can be used for other projects, not just decking.

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Wood of the Month: Un-steamed Walnut

We’ve featured American walnut before as our Wood of the Month, but this time we’d like to talk about un-steamed walnut. Un-steamed is a word that’s not often used for describing wood, and it surprises many to learn that walnut is often steamed to create a more uniform, but dull color throughout the lumber piece.

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Brazilian Wood For Dinner?

It wasn’t too long ago that plastic was being used for almost everything: lunchboxes, building materials, and even dinner plates. However, restaurants and fast food chains, have slowly started to evolve their image, moving from fast, convenient, and on-the-go to a more refined model that prioritizes the customer experience. As part of this change, many restaurants, both fast and traditional, have begun to use wood in the presentation of their food.

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Wood of The Month: Hickory

Simply mentioning the word “Hickory” can make mouths water, thanks to its association with a BBQ, but there’s more to Hickory than a delicious flavor. It’s a prominent tree in the Southeast, and grows very large, reaching heights of 160 feet and expanding to 7 feet in diameter. It’s also a wood that’s readily available right in our North Carolina facility.

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Wood of The Month: Persimmon

Persimmon is a native tree species to North America and is most commonly known for its fruit rather than its wood. Persimmon is actually part of the Ebony family and is commonly referred as White Ebony, because the tree is comprised of a lot of white sap wood with a small core of darker heartwood.

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Tifft Street Pier in Buffalo, NY

Buffalo has been generating a lot of buzz surrounding new public works that have been revitalizing the historical industrial districts for the public. The Tifft Street Pier and boardwalk is one of the projects that has been recently completed, and is now open to the public to enjoy. The beautiful Tifft Pier has a floating dock that allows pedestrians to experience being surrounded on all 4 sides by water from Lake Erie. There are benches, and also accommodations for fishing.

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