How Long Will Ipe Wood Last?

When someone first hears about Ipe wood and that it can last 70 plus years outdoors with no chemicals they don’t believe you. However it’s true and proven to last 70 years and longer. In fact Ipe was used on the Coney Island boardwalk and lasted for 70 years before it was ripped up. It …

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How Much Does Ipe Wood Cost?

Ipe wood is well known among builders, contractors, architects and even homeowners because its proven to last 70+ years outdoors with very low maintenance. Due to the proven longevity of Ipe Wood many professionals specify it for their jobs. As a result this drives up the price. Over the last 10 years we have seen …

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What’s The Best Wood for an Exterior Barn Door?

tigerwood barn door

You’ve probably searched endlessly online for exterior barn door advise and are probably tired of reading about people building interior sliding barn doors out of pallets or grandmas old bookshelf. I’ve got good news for you… Believe it or not some people actually build barn doors and put them outside on a barn. In this …

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