African Mahogany in NC & NY and South American Purpleheart in FL

We have received some great looking Rough 4/4 (1” thick) African Mahogany in our NC and NY facilities. This mahogany is denser than its South American counterparts and is more stable when crafted into furniture or in other projects. Our batches of African Mahogany have some vivid grain pattern with deep browns and medium maroon streaks.  Our stock is all kiln dried and ready for shipping.

Additionally, in FL we also got some South American Purpleheart whose grain pattern is very pronounced and features a rich purple. If you’ve been thinking of creating a new piece of furniture or crafting that special project, this is your opportunity to add a unique look to it!

Prices for African Mahogany: $5.25 on 100 bdft, $5.11 on 200 bd.ft, $4.97 on 500 bd.ft. Call us at 1-877-232-3915 to place your order or send us an email at [email protected]

2 thoughts on “African Mahogany in NC & NY and South American Purpleheart in FL”

  1. Happy New Year!
    I am located in south western Virginia. I am building another boat and have an interest in using African Mahogany again. I am wondering about this 4/4 rough lumber. That is thin for rough, I am wondering if you can estimate for me what thickness will be a reality, once planed. What are the lengths and widths? Are they random, or consistent?
    I am comparing to your finished 4/4, 5/4 and 8/4.
    Where is your NC facility? If I drove down, can I pick up or do you need mill time?
    Thank you!

  2. 4/4 rough lumber will be closer to 3/4 (0.75″) once planed.

    If you want if planed, it’s best to call ahead, both to allow for milling time and to make sure the facility has the material on hand. You can order random, or specific sizes (depending on what we have in stock).

    Our NC facility is located at 2520 Blacksburg Rd, Grover, NC 28073

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