Oak is probably the most common wood used in the home. Oak can be found in furniture, kitchen cabinets, and flooring in many homes. The pervasiveness of this wood comes from its affordability and popularity during the 90s. A lot of homes built or remodeled during that era received oak flooring.

As newer trends developed, many would-be homebuyers and previous owners became disillusioned with the fact that every other house had the same yellow-colored flooring. Newer trends call for darker, richer wood. Unfortunately, this also comes with a steeper price that not many are willing to pay. There is a less expensive option and it starts with old faithful, oak.
Buying Oak will reduce the cost significantly when compared to darker, exotic hardwoods. The trick is to stain it with a darker tone while maintaining the beautiful grain pattern. Your stained oak is sure to stand out from the crowd. There are a variety of products that can make this happen, just be sure to do your homework.

New or rejuvenated oak flooring will add a new dimension of beauty to your home while keeping your pockets fuller for other projects.