The Best Hidden Deck Fasteners for Wood

When it comes to constructing a beautiful, durable, and seamless wooden deck, the choice of fasteners plays a crucial role. Traditional screws and nails can detract from the deck’s aesthetic appeal and can lead to issues over time, such as splitting or warping. Enter hidden deck fasteners—a game-changer in the world of decking. Among the …

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Trex Hidden Fasteners

Trex Glass Railing

Welcome to the world of seamless decking, where every plank sits perfectly in place, uninterrupted by visible screws or nails. This is the realm of Trex Hidden Fasteners, a game-changer in the decking industry that offers a sleek, screw-free surface for your outdoor space. What are Trex Hidden Fasteners? Trex Hidden Fasteners are innovative deck …

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Deck Fasteners Will Save You Time & Money

Building a deck is something that you want done right the first time without any regrets. One sure way to have a deck that you can look at years from now and still feel great about is through making sure that your initial deck installation is done correctly and efficiently.

Let’s face it…how awesome would it be to take that first step out onto your deck and see a clean

and smooth deck without any nails or popups?

If that’s the deck you want to have, then using deck fasteners are highly recommended. One of the most cost-efficient and effective deck fasteners systems on the market today is made by the Ipe Clip® brand.

Ipe Clip® deck fasteners have the following features:

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What is Ipe?

Ipe (pronounced EE-pay) is an exotic hardwood that is used for decking, flooring, and a host of many other applications. Ipe has many names and is also known as Brazilian Walnut, Amapa, Cortez, Guayacan polvillo, and many others. Ipe also gets misspelled in various different ways such as epi, epay, and eepay. Regardless of the …

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