FSC & Sustainable Hardwood Decking from AdvantageLumber.com

Lumber companies have gained a bad reputation over the years. Many people believe that since hardwood decking products originate from the Rainforest that today’s lumber companies do more harm than good. If you spend the time to read up on recent reports from organizations such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, …

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How “Green” is Sustainable Forestry? Is Wood Decking BAD for the Environment?

One of the marketing tricks spread by synthetic decking companies is that real wood decking is bad for the environment and the overall world economy. They say that their products don’t require trees to be cut down, therefore their products are “green.” They try to profess that because their products are recycled that their decking …

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Birch Hardwood Flooring

Whether you are building a new home or transforming your current residence, you want your place to have style.  From knickknacks to photographs you want to grace your space with a personal touch, all while having one thing tie everything together.  Flooring can be your path to the latest trends or classic looks that will …

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FSC Certified Wood: Good for Business, People, & the Environment

What is FSC? The Forest Stewardship Council is the world’s foremost and internationally recognized forest certification. The Forest Stewardship Council ensures forests around the world remain vibrant and healthy  by  rigorously monitoring forest operations to ensure sustainable lumber harvesting. FSC forest trees are individually selected for cutting and then replanted in bio-diverse manner in order …

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How We Air & Kiln-Dry Lumber to the Highest Quality

Wood is amazing. Made up of cells, wood is a hygroscopic material that holds water. As anyone who paid attention in fifth grade science class already knows, this process of water and nutrients moving from the ground, through the root system, through the wood, and to the leaves is a critical component of photosynthesis leading …

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