As a homeowner, you face a lot of concerns with the upkeep of your property. Ensuring your deck is safe, reliable, and long-lasting should not be one of those concerns. Deck collapses have increased over the years, due to the fact decks are getting older, built with inadequate fasteners, or are made of materials that cannot bear the strain of another season.
Building codes that were once widely accepted have become outdated, and are no longer deemed adequate. When you take into consideration the weather and traffic an average deck takes on, you might find it miraculous how most decks are still standing.
If you are located in the Northern part of the United States, or even Canada snow and ice are just another part of life. During our most recent visit to the International Builders’ Show in Las Vegas, we were asked by people from North Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, and Canada how well Ipe and many of our hardwoods fare under extreme cold and snow.
Our answer,”Beyond compare” is based on the fact that regardless of the climate; hot, cold, arid, or frigid, the weather is no match for the natural strength and resiliency of Ipe decking.
Known for its strength, density, and 75+ year lifespan, Ipe is proven to last; since it’s naturally resistant to water damage. With its tight grain, natural oils, and dense nature, moisture and the cold don’t have the effect it does on softer woods like Cedar and Redwood.
After decades of use, you’ll find Ipe decks fare better because they don’t have the pronounced cracks and splits those other materials are prone to.
However, there is one thing we always caution you not to do when taking care of your deck in the winter. And, that is No matter what you do, DO NOT PUT SALT ON YOUR DECK! Salt damage concretes and is a major factor in creating pot holes.
If salt and moisture can do that to concrete, imagine what would it would do to your deck? It creates discoloration and weak spots, therefore shortening the lifespan of your deck, and making it an eyesore.
You might be wondering how an Advantage Lumber deck surpasses other decking applications, especially if you live in a northern climate where snow is unavoidable. Check out why the city of Green Bay’s City Deck and the Wavedecks in Toronto are shining examples of how well Ipe boardwalks handle extreme climates.
Follow the links above to read more about these Northern applications and discover how Advantage Ipe Decking® will benefit you and your home.