Did you know that there are an estimated 40 MILLION decks in the United States that are more than 20 years old?
A great majority of these decks were constructed using lumber that is just not good enough for long term use. To make matters worse, many of these old pressure treated decks used chemicals that are now seen as potentially dangerous. Do you think this is marketing hype? Do you think we’re just trying to get you to buy our hardwood decking?
While being cynical is popular these days, our intent is strictly to inform you of the danger posed by these old decks.
Here is the story of one tragedy every person who owns one of these older decks should read right now: Toxic Tragedy Prompts New Treated Lumber Warnings
If you, or your neighbor owns one of these older decks, you might seriously want to consider replacing your deck. Many professional contractors are out there who can help you with your deck renovation. If you have any questions, or need advice, give us a call, or leave a comment below. We’d love to help you.
How do I convert 600 sq ft of deck to linear feet? I need to get an idea $$ wise, as to how much this will cost.