Summer’s Here and It’s Time For Shorts

Summertime is here! While you break out the board shorts, we’ll break out the short boards! We do everything we can to eliminate waste, so we keep cutoffs to sell at bargain prices. Many lumber companies sell shorts at a discounted price, but few will call 7 FEET a short board. We do!

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Deck Safety – Proper Fasteners & Fastener Locations

It is that time of year again.  Old man winter has finally decided to make his annual retreat leaving us with warm days and warmer thoughts.  This month w shake off the sweatshirt and trade it in for a bathing suit.  Before you put the hot coffee down and run out for a cold beer there’s a couple things you should double check.  The thing that may take the spring out of your step the quickest, is a sprained ankle.

May is NADRA’s (North American Deck and Railing Association) “deck safety month” for good reason.  This is the time of year we really start to use our decks often.  Based on data from the Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 6,000 people are injured each year in incidents involving the structural failure or collapse of a deck or porch.  The worst part of these accidents isn’t that they ruin a spring and summer but more that they are preventable with a little bit of forethought and diligence.  You are going to want to make sure that everything is sturdy instead of appearing sturdy.  One of the most common failure points is the ledger.  Here’s a couple things to look for on a ledger.

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Amazing Furniture from a Self-Taught Woodworker

Whether you’re a contractor building a large-scale deck or an artist perfecting a turned pen, we’ll not only supply the lumber you need, we’ll also help make your project a success with our extensive woodworking knowledge. When you’re done, show off your hard work by sending us pictures!

One of our customers has done just that. Séamus, a self-taught woodworker, recently finished three gorgeous furniture pieces using our line of exotic and domestic lumber. Check out his photos below and be inspired.

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The End of a Successful NAHB IBS 2017!

We just finished a very successful NAHB International Builder’s Show in Orlando, FL where we met many of our current customers as well as some potential new ones. The show is one of the largest builder’s shows in the country and draws industry leaders from all over the world.

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The biggest DO NOTs of Winter Deck Upkeep

If this is your first time facing snow on your brand-new deck, you may have a lot of questions about how to remove snow safely. We offered a few tips and tricks last month, but in this article we wanted to give you the biggest DO NOTs when it comes to clearing away the white stuff.

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Plan During Winter, Build During Spring

winter deck maintenance

Winter can be the best time to plan out that gorgeous decks you’ve been envisioning. There are quite a few factors to consider when planning the perfect deck, like material, size, style, and add-ons. Planning during winter is a great way to save money as you can begin to quote out all the labor and items needed.

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