Cumaru, also known as Brazilian Teak, is an excellent hardwood that many have never heard of. Its botanical name is Dipteryx Odorata, and is primarily found in the Northern regions of South America. The Cumaru tree’s seeds have been used to create a vanilla extract substitute and are highly sought after. The heartwood of Cumaru is very dense and filled with silica particles making it denser and stronger than softwoods and most hardwoods . The most common use for Cumaru is in decking and outdoor furniture because of its strength, density, and lifespan.
Cumaru Decking
Is Cumaru the New Ipe?
Cumaru isn’t exactly the new kid on the block in the exotic decking neighborhood, but it has recently become the choice of wood for many designers, architects, and contractors. Its versatility, color, and similarity to Ipe has allowed Cumaru to be used for residential and commercial applications. Cumaru is very comparable to Ipe, differing by …
The Dynamic Colors of Advantage Cumaru Decking™
If you are in the market for a decking material that will “wow” year after year then look no further than Cumaru. Cumaru is an excellent option if you are looking for a wood with striking color and individuality. As you can see from the deck pictured above, this hardwood presents a gorgeous display of …
Impressive Pool Deck Remodel with 2×4 Advantage Cumaru™
The most common area of a home that needs the most attention is the area surrounding a pool. Pools are a fun and perfect way to relax and have fun during the summer. But the water and constant sunlight can take a toll on materials very quickly. Finding, let alone choosing the correct material, can …
Cumaru Decking Brings Warmth
To fully enjoy the outdoors with the comfort of the indoors, you don’t need to visit a cabin or go camping in the wilderness; all it takes is a sturdy and well-built deck. Advantage Lumber provides you with the necessary materials to build the deck of your dreams that will be enjoyed by your family …
Advantage Cumaru™ Deck Tiles – A True Alternative to Smaller Teak Tiles
I know you’ve probably been tempted to purchase those little wood tiles to make a quick fix to the eye sore you call your backyard. You know, the ones found at those big name stores filled with products that will last maybe a year (If you’re lucky!). Well if you bought them, I’m really quite …
It’s Decktober! Save Now on Deck Tiles, Ipe & Cumaru
In the spirit of Fall, we’ve dropped the prices on some of our most popular decking products: 24×24 Advantage Ipe Deck Tiles (Smooth) 20×20 Advantage Ipe Deck Tiles (Smooth) 20×20 Advantage Ipe Deck Tiles (Anti-Slip) 1×6 Plus® Advantage Ipe* 5/4×6 Advantage Ipe* 1×6 Plus® Advantage Cumaru* 5/4×6 Advantage Cumaru* So, if you’ve been looking for …