Hardwood Trailer Decking – Brazilian Apitong

This week at our mill in Brazil they are finishing up some ship lap hardwood trailer decking. This hardwood trailer decking is made from Angelim Pedra which is commonly called Brazilian Apitong. Brazilian Apitong is used for most of the high quality flatbed trailers and lowboy trailers in North America. This wood can withstand years …

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12 Ways to Save Money on Hardwood Decking

Purchasing exotic hardwood decking such as Ipe Wood, Cumaru, Tigerwood, Massaranduba, Garapa, and other Brazilian hardwoods doesn’t have to break the bank. The market knows that these woods will outlast the majority of buyers out there and the popularity has soared in recent years. As demand for these amazing lumber species have grown, prices have …

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Urban Indian Rosewood

The world’s most eco-friendly Rosewood. Indian Rosewood was brought to Florida in the mid 1800’s as a decorative flowering tree. Little did they know that it would become an invasive species that crowds out native indigenous trees. The area around our Florida Sawmill is one of the few places in the world where Rosewood has …

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