Birch wood is one of the great commercial hardwoods we offer here at Advantage Trim & Lumber.
Two species that our customers request are birch and red birch. Both have distinct coloring that set them apart from each other. Birch has light yellow or light brown sapwood and light brown to light reddish-brown heartwood. The bark is yellow-gray or straw colored. Red birch has light colored sapwood and reddish brown heartwood. The bark is blackish-red in color.
For centuries, Birch wood has been turned by woodworkers all over the world. A Birch-bark Buddhist scroll dating from the first or second century was acquired and studied by scholars at the Early Buddhist Manuscripts Project. Read more and see pictures of these ancient texts here Birch bark Buddhist manuscripts.
Both species of birch wood can be made into furniture, flooring, cabinetry, trim, veneers, plywood, and paneling. It is a very dense hardwood, which makes it strong. It has a Janka hardness of 1260. This allows it to have high bending and crushing strengths. Birch wood also has high shock resistance and good resistance to splitting. It takes stains, polishes, and finishes well.
Make sure to research Birch and make sure it’s the right hardwood for your next project! You can go to our website for additional information on Birch wood. We also have an online store where you can find Birch lumber and Red Birch lumber. There is Birch thinwood as well.