Take a look at the picture above. Gross, isn’t it? That picture is of the old pressure treated decking you can get at the big box stores. The worst part? This picture was taken on a boardwalk that many children and people walk on each and every day. Basically, it’s a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Can you see why I am a little biased toward hardwood decking? After looking at that picture, it’s easy to see why. Wood decking species like Tigerwood, Cumaru, Garapa and Ipe, just doesn’t have these problems and are naturally built to last.
Yes, pressure treated lumber is cheaper, but it’s really best suited for deck framing due to its resistance to termites. But, if you want to install it as a surface material, the long term cost to maintain it can be far more expensive. Imagine someone getting injured on your pressure treated deck? Can you say, “Hello higher hazard insurance premiums?”
The truth is, hard wood decking maintenance issues are few and far between. Most people just apply a deck finish like Ipe Oil™ once every couple of years to maintain its natural reddish brown color and that’s pretty much it.
You can search for my previous posts on the dangers of pressure treated wood, but for now…a picture really is worth a thousand words!