is a company that thrives on sustainable forestry management. Our company has always prided itself on offering high-quality, sustainably harvested material that will meet the demands of every single one of our eco-conscious customers. We’ve been in business for over 20 years and we plan to stick around for decades to come. In order to ensure our company’s future, we need to ensure our forests’ future as well.
Sustainable Forestry
The Lacey Act – What it means for you? Why it’s a good thing for all of us.

What is the Lacey Act?
Signed into law in the year 1900, the Lacey Act is a century old United States law that makes it a federal crime to buy, sell, or trade any wildlife or plants that were procured and transported by illegal means. This includes the import and exporting of both domestic and exotic lumber. For the lumber industry during that time, The Lacey Act was a wake up call. Conduct business in a responsible manner that doesn’t destroy the very resource you depend on, or face a federal court. While the battle still rages on against illegal logging across the world, it is companies like Advantage Trim & Lumber that are leading the way when it comes to sustainable forestry.
What does the Lacey Act mean for you?
What Makes our Hardwood Eco-Friendly?
It’s not enough to say that you’re product is eco-friendly. People want, and deserve, proof. However, it is getting harder for all of us to cut through the marketing hype to see products for what they really are, not what you are told they are. So….with that said, what does that have to do with decking?
We received a phone call the other day from someone who was fed lies. They were told by someone trying to sell them thousands of dollars in composite decking that “anyone who buys hardwood decking from countries like Brazil are helping kill off the rain forest. ” This person was shopping around and asked us point blank, “How can I be sure that the hardwood you sell is really eco-friendly?”
At Advantage, we LOVE getting questions like this. Here’s our response:
Sustainable Forestry – How The Wolf Tree Plays a Role
There are a lot of bad actors in the lumber industry. However, to lump in every lumber company as a villain of the Earth is both unsubstantiated and very misinformed. Case in point, we recently received a letter from someone who insisted that we were not an eco-friendly lumber company. This person was concerned about …