Recycled Flooring Recognized By Industry Leading Publication & Highlights The Rise Of Green Building In America

Recycled flooring products like Staybull Flooring are gaining recognition and highlighting the booming green building industry within the United States. Buffalo, NY September 29, 2010 The International Wood Products Association has selected the Staybull Flooring™ line of Brazilian Cherry recycled flooring for the cover of the 2010 edition of International Wood Magazine. Being recognized by …

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DIY Deck Installation Tips #2 – Proper Ventilation & Gap Spacing

Deck Ventilation & Gap Spacing
Don't follow Doug's advice. Your deck will need proper gap spacing.

Doug Tales – Give Your Decking Room to Breathe

Building a deck is not as simple as laying out some boards and using a hammer, glue, and nails. You can’t avoid the physical properties and nature of ALL decking materials.

With that in mind, it’s important to realize that even though decking materials are not living things, they still do “breathe.”

All decking materials expand and contract during the course of the year. When it’s hot and dry, wood contracts. When it’s humid and/or rainy, wood expands. The way decking materials behave should not be lost on anyone. However, even seasoned deck builders can sometimes forget, or be altogether unaware of just how important proper air ventilation is. Proper deck planning will ensure that air can flow freely through the deck and under the joists. Allowing for proper air ventilation will ensure that moisture can evaporate evenly and consistently. Why should you even bother planning for how air moves under a deck?

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DIY Deck Installation Tips #1 – How Not to Handle New Decking

Deck Installation Tips
Poor Doug. He has no idea that covering your decking is a very, very bad idea...

Doug Tales – Cover The Decking, Ruin the Wood

The story you are about to read is true and, unfortunately, all too common…

Doug’s order of wood decking has just arrived. Needless to say, he’s very excited. Even though the sky is clear, Doug knows that it’s going to rain overnight. So he covers it with a tarp so that the wood can be protected prior to installation.

The next day, it’s sunny and clear again. Doug says, “Time to get building!”

He removes the tarp from the pile, “So far, so good.”

As Doug starts prepping the wood, he notices that some boards are a little warped. He thinks to himself,  “What gives? I thought this stuff was supposed to be strong!? Oh well, I bought a deck wrench, I’ll just straighten up out. No worries.”

A couple of hours later, Doug’s wife comes out to see how things are going, “Um, honey. What did you do?”

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5/4×6 Ipe Decking – A Reliable & Sturdy Wood Decking Choice

5/4x6 Ipe Wood
The "net" finished dimensions of 5/4x6 S4S E4E.

5/4×6 wood decking is a superior sized deck board for many reasons. The extra thickness provides increased structural stability, a more rigid surface, and is ideal for all exterior applications.

5/4 x 6 Ipe wood decking has given many homeowners a solid, reliable surface that hardly ever has to be tended to, if ever. If you’re looking for decking materials for any deck projects that is going to be installed close to the ground, just having that extra 1/4″ is essential. For instance,   if you’re about to construct a deck, your contractor should insist on buying 5/4×6 hardwood. Why?

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DIY Deck Installation Guide – Introducing Doug the DIY Deck Builder

At Advantage Trim & Lumber, we’ve heard it all. For close to 20 years, we’ve gathered stories from people across the country who’ve shared their deck building experiences. 95% of these stories have happy endings, but those remaining 5%? YIKES! Sometimes, what seems like an innocent decision can turn anyone’s deck building plans upside down. …

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