Is Composite Decking Maintenance Free?

If You Think Composite Decks are Low Maintenance, I Have A Unicorn to Sell You There’s no such thing as stain-free, or maintenance free man-made decking. Period. End of story. The only thing in flux is “resistance.” How does a decking material resist getting mold damage? What about excessive heat? Bitter cold? Everything on this …

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Massaranduba vs. Redwood Decking

You might have noticed that we’ve recently added Massaranduba decking to our exotic hardwood lineup.

I hear what you’re saying, “Massar-what? Why should I bother building a deck with this wood?”

If you were considering Redwood, Cedar, a red colored composite for your outdoor deck, then the answer is a resounding “Yes.” Sure, Massaranduba might be hard to pronounce but it’s also a very tough wood, period. (By the way, it’s pronounced Ma-Sa-Ran-Doo-bah). Just take a look at the specs and you’ll see why this decking line is also famously known as Bulletwood and Brazilian Redwood.

But, wait…isn’t Redwood one of the hardest woods? What makes Massaranduba any better?

A common misconception about domestic redwood is that it’s a hard wood. Nothing could be further from the truth. While the petrified redwood trees are famous for being as hard as rocks, a real redwood tree grown for lumber and decking purposes is one of the softest woods available. For instance, when conducting an apples-to-apples comparison between Redwood and Massaranduba, the differences are striking:

  • Redwood is 7.5 times softer than Massaranduba (Redwood Janka Hardness = 420 vs. Massaranduba Janka Hardness = 3,190)
  • Redwood is over 2 times weaker than Massaranduba (Redwood Bending Strength = 10,000psi vs. Massaranduba Bending Strength of 27,280psi)

Here is some further explanation into the differences between Massaranduba and Redwood.

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How to Remove Stains from a Wood Deck

So, you were the lucky one…the one who got to host a 4th of July BBQ blowout extravaganza. There was beer, wine, kids, hot dogs, overcooked hamburgers (Wait, that was just me!)…lots of laughs, stories shared….and one more thing… Spills…stains…the works! We’re talking ketchup, chocolate, mustard, oil, all of OH MY! We sell a great …

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Deck Safety Tips – How to Grill On a Hardwood Deck

grilling on deck tips

Keep Your Owner’s Manual
Read your owner’s manual from cover to cover. Because there are so many types of outdoor grills, you can’t assume that they all work the same. Your grill’s owner’s manual will tell you the best way to use and maintain your grill. It also should guide you to proper safety guidelines that will keep you and those around you safe. Your grill’s warranty and customer service information are important pieces of information that your grill will contain.

Look Up…Do You See The Sky? GOOD!

Don’t grill under a covered porch or other enclosed area. Carbon monoxide poisoning is not something you want to take a chance on, ever.

What’s a Really Quick Way to End a Good Party? Start a Fire, of Course!

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