We have over 100 containers of Hardwood Decking currently on the water! We have a huge inventory of premium grade Ipe, Tigerwood, Cumaru, and other hardwood decking materials both inhouse and enroute.
Over 9,000 board feet of Gigantic Parota live edge table slabs are in our kiln being cooked! Kiln drying kills any hidden insects/larvae, hardens the wood cells, and stabilizes the wood. These monsters measure from about 30 inches wide up to about 5 foot wide! They make amazing countertops, conference tables, dining tables, desks, etc. Call our Florida sawmill to get first pickings once these bad boys are done. 941-388-9299
Walnut, Walnut Everywhere! Seriously, it has taken over our Florida milling department for a few days as we surface inventory of some of the most amazing Walnut we have ever seen. Bookmatched Flitches? YES!, Three or Four foot wide figure Crotches? YES! Dark Chocolate Color? YES! These are selling faster than we can load them onto our slab website and we have a 8,000 board foot pile of slabs to surface yet. Keep checking www.WoodSlabs.com or give our Slab department a call with your size requirements and we can find the perfect pieces for your project before someone else scoops these up.
Hardwood decking, siding, deck tiles, live edge slabs and more! Shipped direct to your home or job site worldwide.
What’s on the Mill? Sawyer Dan and his team have been busy slicing up some very cool Australian Beefwood Slabs. Australian Beefwood is a very dense hardwood that makes great Bar tops, desk, tables, etc. This species was first planted near our Florida sawmill in the 1860’s and has now become invasive. Its narrow needle-like leaves are very acidic, and it grows in clusters which kills native species of trees and plants. When growing along sandy beaches the exposed roots can trap and kill endangered sea turtles. This invasive tree will now live out a more peaceful second life as amazing furniture.
Florida sawmill 941-388-9299
New York Factory 716-827-3915
North Carolina Factory 704-471-9991
California Factory 562-205-1872