Our Brazil mill just finished milling this beautiful 5 inch Tigerwood flooring. This flooring will be shipped to the US to be finished and ready for distribution to our customers. You will notice plenty of figure in our Tigerwood flooring.
Owning a mill in Brazil allows us to control the quality and give our customers a far superior quality finished product. We are the only American company that actually owns mills in Brazil.
Prior to owning our own mills we relied on buying materials from various other mills and when the containers arrive to our factories in the US we would open the container and often find mixed grades that we would have to sort and discount the lesser grades.
We sort everything in our Brazil mills to meet the expectations of our American and international buyers. For years our customers have relied on our superior grading and sorting standards.
This is extremely important for wholesale flooring customers buying containers of hardwood flooring. Do not roll the dice with drop shippers and brokers who never even see the lumber. We invite any of our customers to visit any of our factories.
We are also one of the few companies who refuses to send flooring to China to have it prefinished, yes its cheaper but you get what you pay for and other flooring companies have had many issues with doing this and these problems unfortunately get passed onto the customer.
This is why we finish all of our flooring in the US so we can control the quality and assure our customers they are getting something we would gladly put in our homes with our own families.
Did I mention our prices on 3/4″ solid Tigerwood flooring is cheaper than those box stores? Yes we can have it finished in the US and still sell cheaper. Give us a call today for a quote 1-877-232-3915 or buy tigerwood flooring online