Stain Oak Flooring for a Different Look

Oak is probably the most common wood used in the home. Oak can be found in furniture, kitchen cabinets, and flooring in many homes. The pervasiveness of this wood comes from its affordability and popularity during the 90s. A lot of homes built or remodeled during that era received oak flooring.

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Wood Flooring from

By now, most people have heard the recent news about formaldehyde levels in laminate flooring made in China. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen at high levels and regulations set forth by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) have limited formaldehyde levels in products such as laminate and engineered wood flooring.

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Wood of the Month: Ambrosia Maple (Wormy Maple)

Covered with unique patterns, Ambrosia Maple is the perfect wood for anyone who seeks one of a kind wood.
Covered with unique patterns, Ambrosia Maple is the perfect wood for anyone who seeks a one of a kind wood.

Ambrosia Maple is a highly coveted wood for many projects because of its very unique and colored patterns. A lot of people often wonder if Ambrosia Maple is a specific species of wood, or if some sort of chemicals were added to give it the interesting patterns. The truth is that Ambrosia maple isn’t a different species, its regular soft maple that has had small beetles called ambrosia beetles nesting in it which carry a certain type of fungus for food.

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Birch Hardwood Flooring

Whether you are building a new home or transforming your current residence, you want your place to have style.  From knickknacks to photographs you want to grace your space with a personal touch, all while having one thing tie everything together.  Flooring can be your path to the latest trends or classic looks that will …

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