Doug Tales – Cover The Decking, Ruin the Wood
The story you are about to read is true and, unfortunately, all too common…
Doug’s order of wood decking has just arrived. Needless to say, he’s very excited. Even though the sky is clear, Doug knows that it’s going to rain overnight. So he covers it with a tarp so that the wood can be protected prior to installation.
The next day, it’s sunny and clear again. Doug says, “Time to get building!”
He removes the tarp from the pile, “So far, so good.”
As Doug starts prepping the wood, he notices that some boards are a little warped. He thinks to himself, “What gives? I thought this stuff was supposed to be strong!? Oh well, I bought a deck wrench, I’ll just straighten up out. No worries.”
A couple of hours later, Doug’s wife comes out to see how things are going, “Um, honey. What did you do?”