Siding Installation Pro Tip: Vertical Siding Installation Done Right

So you’ve decided Advantage Rainscreen Siding™ is the right choice for your home renovation project. The only problem is that you want your home to stand out amongst the crowd of run-of-the-mill looks. For an eye-catching look not seen in many homes, vertical installation* of rainscreen siding is a definite possibility. When you combine the …

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Pro Deck Installation Tip: Deck Joist Waterproofing

Deck Joists 101 Deck joists are boards usually made out of pressure treated lumber. These boards come in standard sizes (2×6, 2×8, and 2×10) and are a crucial element in the structural stability of your deck. Joists systems are the frames that the decking will be attached to. This foundation is usually attached to the …

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How Sun Exposure Effects How Much You Enjoy Your Deck

During those hot summer days, decks that face east will get a lot of sun and little shade.

Before you choose a specific deck design, it is always a good idea to consider yearly sun exposure. Knowing how much, or how little sun and shade to expect during the seasons will help you maximize how much you enjoy your new outdoor living space.

For instance, if your new deck is built on the north side of your home, it will get very little sun. This is especially important for anyone who gets a lot of sun (and heat during the year). Having more shade is a definite treat if you live in hotter climates like (i.e. Florida, Texas, Arizona, etc.). You’ll be able to BBQ, relax, and enjoy the day without having to worry about running inside to beat the heat. However, if you live in a colder climate, this kind of northern exposure can mean you’ll get more shade and experience even cooler temps on that side of the deck. Also, the angle of the sun relative to the horizon is another factor you can also consider; especially if you plan on adding trees, plants or other accessories to your deck.

Check out these 3d composites that estimate how much sun and shade you can expect from your new deck:

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Siding Installation Pro Tips: Exterior Housewrap – Its Purpose & Application

Housewrap is your home’s last defense against the damaging effects of rot. They are constructed to be water and UV resistant, as well as handle years of abuse in different climates. If a home is constructed without properly installing housewrap and siding , the insulated framing cavities can get wet and can lead to rapid rot and decay. When installed properly, housewraps will keep the water out, and keep the structure of your home dry.

What is Housewrap?

Housewrap is a water-resistant synthetic material that protects the structure of your home from moisture damage. Not only does it protect your home against ice and water intrusion, it also creates a drainage plane, allowing water to evaporate before seeping into your home’s structure. This material usually contains polymers, nylon, or fiberglass and comes in large rolls for easy application. By acting as an insulator and reducing the exchange of airflow, housewrap can also save you money in energy bills.

Is Tar Paper a Good Housewrap Alternative?

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Siding Installation Pro Tips: Why Is Airspace So Important?

When it comes to siding maintenance, the biggest problems many homeowners worry about are mold and decay. Unfortunately, most people who undertake a siding renovation end up finding out first-hand how shoddy or rushed installation can create long-lasting problems. One of the main culprits for siding problems? Lack of adequate airspace. Inadequate airflow results in …

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Want to Ignore Getting Your Deck Inspected? Watch This Today Show Report!

On the Today Show this morning, there was an excellent report showing what happens when a deck collapses. As we’ve written before, not building your deck the right way and/or not doing a brief yearly inspection is not a risk worth taking. Watch this report to see how dangerous it is to ignore making sure …

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